Norsk and NETINT at Mile-High Video

An image of the Denver skyline with the Norsk and NETINT corporate logos and text describing their exhibiting at the Mile-High Video Conference.

If you’re reading this, you probably work in the media industry. If you work in the media industry, you know that two words sum up what everyone in the sector has been focused on in the last year: cost savings. We saw a massive layoffs in 2023, with no sign of a slowdown in 2024.

As a result, we’re all trying to do more with less. With id3as‘ Norsk Studio and NETINT, you can create live workflows in minutes and stream hundreds of channels from a single server. We’ll be showing off how at Mile-High Video and the Streaming Video Technology Alliance’s SEGMENTS in Denver, February 11-14.

Norsk Studio is a no-code interface that works with the award-winning low-code Norsk SDK to let you build complex, dynamic live streaming workflows. With Norsk, you can do much more than simply ingest a source and output an ABR encoding ladder. You can create a vision director for remote production. You can output picture-in-picture. You can add subtitles and insert browser overlays like news tickers and real-time scores. You can deliver the engaging, compelling viewing experience your customers deserve. The only limit is your imagination.

And because it’s no-code/low-code, you can do it all in days or weeks rather than months or years. That saves money on development costs and lets you decrease your time to market while you innovate and iterate quickly. It’s the very definition of doing more with less. (Full disclosure: Norsk Studio isn’t available quite yet, but we’ll be launching it in just a couple of months.)

Norsk can run in the cloud, in hybrid installations, or on-prem—for instance, on NETINT’s Quadra, an ASIC video processing unit (VPU). Quadra’s AI-powered Codensity G5 architecture delivers maximum throughput and maximum efficiency. With an off-the-shelf server boasting 256 physical cores, 512 logical cores, and 24 Quadra cards in a 2U form factor, you could easily deliver hundreds of channels.

Because Norsk can take advantage of hardware acceleration, it’s able to perform functions like picture-in-picture and resizing directly on the VPU, maximizing the efficiency of the hardware transcoder and optimizing overall system performance. For more detail, watch Adrian Roe’s presentation “Make Live Easy with Norsk SDK” from the NETINT Virtual Symposium, or read Jan Ozer’s in-depth summary, “Simplify Building Your Own Streaming Cloud with Norsk.”

For an overview, download the joint solution guide “Quadra Video Server Powered by Norsk,” or better yet, come see us in Denver! Click here to schedule a meeting or just drop by our table in the exhibition hall.


Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen

Eric is chief marketing officer for Norsk. He has nearly 20 years' experience in the streaming media industry, and more than 30 years' experience as a journalist. Prior to joining id3as, he was editor and VP of Streaming Media magazine and conference chair for Streaming Media's in-person and virtual events. A frequent speaker at industry events, he's presented or sat on panels at NAB, IBC, Northern Waves, Nordic TV Summit, and more. He was a senior reporter for and a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines in the music press.