Norsk for OTT and Streaming Publishers

Screen shot from interview between Jan Ozer and Dom Robinson

In this installment of Jan Ozer‘s video interview series, he speaks with id3as‘ chief business development officer Dom Robinson about Norsk’s product-market fit— particularly for streaming and OTT live events such as sports, news, financial reporting, town halls, and concerts — as well as how it frees media publishers from the limitations inherent in the ways streamers have typically built their live workflows.

Robinson outlines three common approaches to building live workflows:

  1. Developing from scratch, using solutions like FFmpeg or GStreamer. This offers complete control over every aspect of the workflow, but is typically time-consuming and requires specialist developer skills.
  2. Using off-the-shelf solutions. When they do exactly what you need them to do, they’re great, but they can be very difficult (or impossible) to customize and challenging to integrate with other solutions.
  3. Hiring systems integrators or consultancies. This is just as time-consuming as building from scratch in-house, typically is more expensive, and chains you to that SI or consultant for the life of the system.

Norsk’s low-code approach means media publishers can build their own workflows with the developers they already have in-house, allowing them to create in just a few lines of code what typically would have taken hundreds or even thousands of lines of code in a low-level programming language.

The new Norsk Studio introduces a no-code, drag-and-drop interface that simplifies things even further. Non-programmers can prototype using the pre-configured components, and then developers can extend those components using the SDK. Those new components can be kept proprietary or shared with the Norsk developer ecosystem, over time growing the number of components available to Norsk users.

And whether you’re using the SDK or Studio, you’re building on id3as’ legacy of reliability: Norsk is designed to react instantaneously to failures by restarting services or relocating them to more stable infrastructure.

Here’s the full interview. Set up a demo with us if you’re interested in learning more.


  • Eric is chief marketing officer for Norsk. He has nearly 20 years' experience in the streaming media industry, and more than 30 years' experience as a journalist. Prior to joining id3as, he was editor and VP of Streaming Media magazine and conference chair for Streaming Media's in-person and virtual events. A frequent speaker at industry events, he's presented or sat on panels at NAB, IBC, Northern Waves, Nordic TV Summit, and more. He was a senior reporter for and a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines in the music press.

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